Cult of the Lamb joins Don’t Starve Together in upcoming collab

Devolver Digital and Klei have revealed they're teaming up for a unique indie collaboration event between Cult of the Lamb and Don't Starve Together.

Don't Starve Together Cult of the Lamb: a purple portal with a crowned lamb figure comiung out of it

Cult of the Lamb is one of my all-time favorite indie games, as is Don’t Starve Together. I love playing the former for a fun single-player simulation experience of sorts while I look to the latter for chaotic fun with friends. If you’ve played either Cult of the Lamb or Don’t Starve and feel the same way I do, then you’ll be excited to hear that the two iconic indie gems are teaming up with each other for a mysterious collaboration according to some cryptic posts made by both Devolver Digital and Klei Entertainment.

In two mysterious videos showcasing a crossover between Cult of the Lamb and Don’t Starve, we see characters from either side make an appearance in the opposite game. Devolver’s video shows the protagonist lamb walking angrily through the woods as one of the iconic Don’t Starve portals opens up in front of him. You can see the shadow of Webber, one of the playable characters, coming through the portal. This could mean that we’ll see Don’t Starve characters in a Cult of the Lamb DLC or event.

While specific details have not yet been given by either Devolver or Klei on the collab, both developers have advertised a reveal event of sorts coming on Monday, August 21. This is likely where we’ll hear more about the two teaming up, and what we’ll see in the crossover. I personally think both games will take part since Klei’s video also hints at Cult of the Lamb coming to Don’t Starve.

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Klei’s post reads, “Remove the wool from your eyes,” featuring a video much like Devolver’s. In it, Don’t Starve’s central character Wilson is distracted by a Cult of the Lamb-style portal appearing. You can see the shadow of the lamb as it begins to emerge from the portal, just as you see Webber’s silhouette in Devolver’s teaser.

It looks like Cult of the Lamb will come to Don’t Starve Together, while the latter game will also come to the former. I’m unbelievably hyped to find out more about the collaboration and feel like there’s no better combination of games to do such a crossover. Both are just as adorable as they are gruesome at times.

If you love punishing yourself with difficult games like Don’t Starve, then you may want to check out some of our favorite roguelike games for an equally brutal experience. Alternatively, you can browse through a few of these great simulation games if you want something more in line with Cult of the Lamb in terms of taking control over a society or character and deciding how to build them up.