Genshin Impact might slow rate of new five-star banners in Fontaine

Genshin Impact is just a few weeks away from adding Fontaine and its characters, but HoYoverse might be switching up its banner release habits.

Genshin Impact might slow rate of new five-star banners in Fontaine: anime man with white hair in court

The Genshin Impact 4.0 update will be here soon with a whole new cast of Fontaine characters to add to the roster, but the rate of their release may be slower than what we’re used to. If recent leaks are correct, HoYoverse will only be adding one new five-star character banner to the anime game for the majority of the Genshin Impact 4.0 updates.

The slower release rate of new five stars might initially sound like a negative choice, but it’s important to remember just how many characters are on the roster at this point in the game’s life. After going through four whole regions, Genshin Impact contains 25 five-star characters not including the Traveler, Aloy, or the standard banner options.

With that number, there’s no possible way that we’d be able to see them all within a region’s lifecycle if HoYoverse released two new five-star characters for each update. There would only be enough slots for 18 reruns from version 4.0 to version 4.8 – that’s how we ended up with an 18-month absence for Eula, which was only recently broken in version 3.8.

There were also rumors about a third banner phase being added, which would be another solution to the lack of rerun space, but this recent leak about a slowed rate comes from a now-deleted tweet by HuTaoLover77. You can see a screenshot of the tweet on this Reddit post, and it states that there will only be solo five-star releases after the Hydro Archon’s banner.

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Genshin Impact version 4.0 will go live in about three weeks, so you still have a decent amount of time to pull for Kokomi and the Wanderer before Fontaine arrives.

If you’re unsure of who to go for, check out our Genshin Impact tier list along with the available Genshin Impact codes to give yourself a few extra chances.