Modern Warfare 3 has leaked in the weirdest way possible

While Activision has yet to confirm the game, Call of Duty's upcoming title Modern Warfare 3 has been leaked thanks to Monster Energy's promotional packaging.

Captain Price from Call of Duty staring down with his hat tipped

Call of Duty is one of those long-standing FPS game series that will never quite die down in hype, whether it be due to an upcoming title or the most recent entry’s fanbase. Players have been speculating what Activision has in store for the series next for a good while now, and we may have just received the weirdest Call of Duty reveal yet thanks to a social media post containing leaked Modern Warfare 3 ads for none other than Monster Energy drinks. Yes, you read that right.

The upcoming Call of Duty entry has been on many fans’ minds since the NBA saw Modern Warfare 3, but it was never actually confirmed to be what the sports players were looking at. It seems we now have confirmation as a Twitter user just made a post containing Monster Energy advertisements in the form of cardboard cutouts and promotional packaging.

Tweet showing the MW3 Monster leak

The ads pictured in the post seem to indicate in-game bonus rewards with Monster Energy drink purchases. Captain Price can also be seen in the cardboard advertisement, with an ominous face staring ahead behind him. Monster Energy’s website went down for us but reportedly stayed up for others.

No official confirmation has been given about Modern Warfare 3 or its possible features just yet, aside from a post made by the Call of Duty Twitter account itself in which the leak is possibly alluded to. The text is short yet amusing and simply reads, “Anyone have an energy drink they can spare?”

Tweet from Call of Duty account referncing the leak

While you wait for more news on Modern Warfare 3, check out a few of the most fun multiplayer games if you want some online action with friends ahead of the next Call of Duty. You can also browse through some of the coolest battle royale games if you want something else to play outside of the action-packed series.