Assassin’s Creed Mirage is Ubisoft’s “biggest new-gen launch” to date

Ubisoft has just shared a heartfelt statement about Assassin's Creed Mirage and its massive launch success, revealing that the new game is one of its biggest.

Assassin's Creed Mirage sales: A bearded man wearing a white pointed hood stands before the city of Baghdad,

Assassin’s Creed Mirage is finally here, and it’s bringing a new dawn to Ubisoft’s long-standing series. Whether you first picked Assassin’s Creed up as a child to explore as the charismatic Ezio, or are new to the series, Mirage has qualities appealing to both nostalgia-fueled fans and fresh faces within the fandom alike. While the latest entry hasn’t even been out in the wild for a full week yet, its sales are apparently already soaring as Ubisoft reveals some of the game’s impressive statistics.

Many of us have long awaited the Assassin’s Creed Mirage release. The new RPG game offers a unique premise for the iconic series and a lively world packed full to the brim with culture. Ubisoft begins its message regarding the game’s positive reception by describing how it has only been out for less than a week. The team is “thrilled by the love and positivity” from fans thus far.

Statement from Ubisoft describing Assassin's Creed Mirage sales and its launch success

The current number of Assassin’s Creed Mirage players is “in line” with past successful launches from the iconic series, such as Odyssey and Origins. The developer continues its post, stating that it is “proud to also share that Assassin’s Creed Mirage is the dev’s “biggest new-gen launch” in regard to the “units sales to date” at Ubisoft.

The game’s development was led by the company’s Bordeaux Studio, the team behind the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s Wrath of the Druids expansion. As further detailed in our Assassin’s Creed Mirage review, the recent release marks Ubisoft’s return to its beloved series’ origins with a fresh spin on the original game’s Middle Eastern setting.

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Ubisoft closes its statement and provides a fun look at the community’s current in-game achievements. Players have spent almost 500 years collectively parkouring rooftops in-game, and have performed a whopping 60 million Leaps of Faith. Thus far, the community has also delivered 1.2 million pats to the street cats of Baghdad. Far too low a number if you ask me – get petting!

If you’re traversing the rooftops of Baghdad yourself, you should look through our roundup of the best Assassin’s Creed Mirage skills to help you unlock everything from chain assassinations to the ability to see through walls. Alternatively, browse around our favorite Assassin’s Creed Mirage weapons if you’re curious about the arsenal available in-game and its effects.