Modern Warfare 2 Season 6 release date

Everything we know so far about the CoD MW2 Season 6 release date, how superhero Spawn features in the new season, and everything else we can expect to see.

The Superhero Spawn as he appears in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Season 6.

When is the MW2 season 6 release date? Hurry up and claim all your battle pass rewards and weapons from MW2 season 5, because season 6 is coming up fast, the last season before Modern Warfare and Warzone move on to pastures new.

Modern Warfare 2 seasons so far have lasted varied lengths, starting longer at around three months while more recent seasons have lasted only six weeks. MW2 season 6 will come to an end around the time Modern Warfare 3 arrives, but there’s still a bunch of super content to make the most of until then, and the return of The Haunting. Here’s all the details about Modern Warfare 2 season 6, its maps, events, new MW2 battle pass rewards, and more.

A close up on the face on Spawn as he appears in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Season 6.

Modern Warfare 2 Season 6 release date speculation

The MW2 Season 6 release date is on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, and features an operator skin based on the superhero Spawn.

Even though we are getting close to the release of MW3, there is still room for one last six-week season, which would appropriately end around Nov 6, 2023, just a few days before the launch of Modern Warfare 3. This season encompasses Halloween and brings back the Haunting event once more. In fact, the entire season is jam-packed with spooks and scares.

The DOOM weapon bundle that is available for purchase during Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Season 6.

Modern Warfare 2 Season 6 details

The MW2 Season 5 battle pass includes a range of Spawn-themed operator skins, including Al Simmons himself as a new Operator, and Tier 0 and Tier 100 skins, among others. Bundles this season bring some classic horror franchises to CoD, including DOOM, Diablo, and Evil Dead.

Some MW2 game modes see an new lease of life for the spooky season, including Haunting Domination, Infected, and Kill Confirmed. New Core map Koro Village might be familiar to those who remember Toujane from Call of Duty 2, and returning multiplayer map King arrives at launch.

We can’t wait to check out these new MW2 maps and modes when Modern Warfare 2 Season 6 arrives, and it’s sure to keep us busy while we await the upcoming Call of Duty next, which we’re sure will contain information about the next Warzone update. There is literally no better time to drop into MW2 than right now as your gear will carry forward to the upcoming sequel, so make sure you’ve got the best Modern Warfare 2 guns and build them out in the MW2 gunsmith before the Modern Warfare 3 release date storms in.