Best MW3 Striker loadout

With a quick TTK and surprising range, the best Modern Warfare 3 Striker loadout will see you take down opponents no matter where they are on the map.

MW3 Striker loadout: a glowing gun sits on top of a blurred background.

What is the best MW3 Striker loadout? This lightweight SMG enables you to take advantage of the advanced movement, and with this Modern Warfare 3 Striker loadout, we look to reduce the recoil and extend the range of the gun so you can use it in nearly any combat scenario.

The Modern Warfare 3 release date is upon us, and we’ve already compiled a list of the MW3 maps and MW3 guns so you’ll be prepared when the time comes. You may be drawn to the harder-hitting guns like the best MW3 MTZ 556 loadout, but don’t overlook these more mobile SMG options as they can rack up kills.

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Best Modern Warfare 3 Striker loadout

Here are the best attachments for the MW3 Striker:

  • Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor
  • Barrel: Striker Recon Long Barrel
  • Stock: Lachmann Mk2 Light Stock
  • Underbarrel: XTEN TX-12 Handstop
  • Magazine: 60-Round Drum

The aim with these attachments is to keep the mobility of the Striker high, but tighten that recoil and ensure that the gun kick never gets out of control. The Monolithic Suppressor increases recoil control, while also having the benefit of keeping your shots off of the minimap – important if you’re utilizing that mobility to get behind the enemy.

Attaching the Striker Recon Long Barrel gives the Striker that much-needed extra range, making sure that no enemy is safe, even if they’re outside of an SMG’s usual striking distance.

There you have the best MW3 Striker loadout – a nimble weapon that more than holds its own in the primary weapon slot. If you’re looking to take some fights at an even longer range, the best MW3 SVA 545 loadout gives you an assault rifle with incredible burst damage, even at a distance. If you’re looking to get into the Modern Warfare 3 beta, we have a guide that tells you how you can get early access.