Forget face-camping, Dead by Daylight update buffs its worst killer

Behaviour Interactive released an update detailing Dead by Daylight's upcoming changes, including anti-face-camping measures and tweaks to DBD's worst killer.

Dead by Daylight update: Trapper killer stands, his face crackling with fiery orange lines, while holding a white mask

Dead by Daylight slays its horror game category competitors with its fun multiplayer gameplay and unique cast of iconic slasher film killers. Behaviour Interactive keeps its game regularly updated, with steady new content releases and balance adjustments to ensure quality gameplay experiences for both killers and survivors. Dead by Daylight will receive a plethora of game-changing updates this season, including anti-face-camping measures and adjustments to one of DBD’s most infamous characters.

You read that right. Alongside a much-needed Shattered Square map rework and a new anti-face-camping DBD unhook feature, Behaviour Interactive’s thrilling slasher experience is overhauling the Trapper. While he may be a popular choice for new players, he doesn’t perform all that well against survivors in higher-end gameplay.

“Since he is all over the cover and is unlocked right away, he ends up being a lot of people’s first experience playing as Killer,” the developer writes. “We try to keep him as simple and straightforward as possible.” While this “see a trap, set a trap” system “performs fairly well” among new players, Behaviour Interactive recognizes that the same can’t necessarily be said for more experienced fans.

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The dev refers to “higher-end matches,” saying that the killer “can struggle to keep up.” To combat this, a few changes are coming to DBD. Instead of just six bear traps spawning on the map, eight will. The Trapper will also receive a 7.5% haste effect after setting one of the bear traps. Behaviour Interactive says that this should have “a minimal impact in lower skill matches” where the killer already performs well.”

On the other hand, the changes will “provide a nice boost to higher-end players who know how to take advantage of them.” The additional traps are especially nice for larger maps, as is the new speed buff. The Trapper isn’t the only killer with balance adjustments coming, with others such as the Deathslinger, Huntress, Legion, and Trickster facing updates. For a more in-depth look at Behaviour Interactive’s plans, you can read the full developer update directly on Steam.

If you’re excited about the massive updates and character tweaks this fall, you should check out our up-to-date list of all the Dead by Daylight killers to better understand what changes to expect. For free content in-game right now, you can also browse through our roundup of all the current Dead by Daylight codes – you won’t regret it.